Amarok 2 and Amarok 1.4

claydoh claydoh at
Wed Oct 15 21:35:54 UTC 2008

On Wednesday October 15 2008 4:16:35 pm Willy K. Hamra wrote:
> if you read the last line of the article, it's obvious that there is a
> part of the article missing! the sentence is cut in it's middle :S
> so anyone know if i can install amarok 2 and amarok 1.4 alongside each
> other in intrepid? is this possible?
> thanks in advance

installing amarok2 removes amarok1.4, and vice-versa

you can try it out, but I recommend backing up your amarokrc and your 
~/.kde/share/apps/amarok just to be safe. Amarok2 uses a different database so 
I don't think there should be any issues there, but its always safe to back 
up. I have 'switched' back and forth a few times with no problems on the 1.4 
version, but the older alpha/betas were unstable for me. but I haven't yet 
tried out the latest beta.
Clay Weber

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