Is this the correct MD5sum-code for my Kubuntu 8.10 iso file?

Bas Roufs basroufs at
Wed Oct 15 09:59:33 UTC 2008

Dear everybody

Some hours ago, I downloaded via 'KTorrent' an i386 iso file for Kubuntu 
8.10 beta. Before burning the live CD and installing Intreprid on an 
empty partition, I would like to check the integrity of the downloaded 
iso file. So, I checked the instruction page on 'MD5SUM':
Following the instructions on that page, I opened a terminal and did the 
MD5SUM check. This is the code that came out:

b054fd985294c80dcd6400fede533c72  kubuntu-8.10-beta-desktop-i386.iso

(I exactly copied this code from the terminal, including the empty space 
between '..c72' and 'kubuntu..'. )

As usual in similar situations, I went to this page to check whether 
this is the right MD5SUM code:

But the 'md5 hash' codes for Intreprid have not yet been published on 
this page. So, I already filed an update request:
That's why would appreciate one or a few other forum members to also 
carry out the 'MD5SUM check' at the same iso file. Pls. let me now 
whether your MD5SUM code is the same as the one above.

I have downloaded my iso file from an Ubuntu mirror in The Netherlands. 
May be you can do the MD5SUM check from the same iso file, but 
downloaded from one or a few other mirrors.

Thanks, respectfully Yours,

Bas Roufs.

Bas G. Roufs M.A.
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
NL-3514 VT  Utrecht
E.:  BasRoufs at
M.: +31.6.446.835.10.

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