Kontact Calendar - IMAP etc

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Tue Oct 14 13:23:20 UTC 2008

Lindsay Mathieson wrote:

> On Tue, 14 Oct 2008 02:02:20 am Derek Broughton wrote:
> Thanks for the reply Derek
>> I had it working with Yahoo.  It works with Google, but is read-only (at
>> least I haven't found a way to write).
> What resource interface did you use with Yahoo?

Sorry, I don't recall.

>> > Its not even vaguely alpha quality software.
>> The _calendar_ is production ready, it's the whole kontact groupware
>> plugin structure that seems weak.
> By the groupware plug-in structure do you mean the IMAP/groupdave/etc
> interfaces?

Yes.  IMAP itself is pretty good (though as some have noted, there's still
issues with disconnected IMAP), but I've had trouble with pretty well any
other groupware functionality.

> Hopefully akonadai will improve that side of things.

I hope so too.

I just started to use evolution last week!  I had an XP machine sitting on
my desk that was being used _purely_ for Outlook to access an Exchange
server (which is not IMAP enabled).  I could (and my colleague does) use
Outlook Web Access from a browser, but that's an even worse pig than
Outlook.  Evolution is ugly, it routinely gives me wrong counts on messages
(especially unread ones) in a folder, and it doesn't have anything remotely
like logical navigation, but it does do a better job of synchronizing
messages and calendars from the Exchange server than either the XP box
(which is a 7 year old P4, with only 256 or 512MB RAM) or a web browser.  I
sure wish I could do this with Kontact.

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