[OT - Crescent Wrench] - Re: 8.10b - first impression and questions

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Mon Oct 13 15:58:48 UTC 2008

Gene Heskett wrote:

> On Friday 10 October 2008, Derek Broughton wrote:

>>Yes - but I go through a lot of power-driver bits. Drive the screw, pull
>>back the power driver, and the bit stays on the screw just long enough to
>>disconnect from the driver - then falls on the ground and disappears.
> Chuckle.  Sounds like you need to set your lawn mower a little lower, or
> use
> it more often. :)  Like you, I've dropped many a bit, but I usually can
> find it too.

NO LAWN MOWERS!  Vile things contributing way more than their share of
greenhouse gases.  I use a scythe, when I really must cut something.

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