internet connection on Kubuntu Hardy

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Mon Oct 13 11:45:18 UTC 2008

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 6:51 AM, Lisi Reisz <lisi.reisz at> wrote:
> I have tried installing and uninstalling knetworkmanager.  It seems to make
> not a blind bit of difference.
> While it was uninstalled I tried editing /etc/network/interfaces but Kubuntu
> seems just to ignore it.  I have reinstalled knetworkmanager (which seems to
> be only an applet anyway, that links to the network settings in the control
> panel), renamed /etc/network/interfaces and left the network manager to
> reinstate it.  Still the settings do not endure past a restart and still DHCP
> simply doesn't work.

When I had similar problems with wireless, I found, first, that the
more I played with manual stuff, the worse it was, and second, that
aptitude remove knetworkmanager was enough.  With purge, I got it
working again.

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