internet connection on Kubuntu Hardy

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Mon Oct 13 11:16:16 UTC 2008

Lisi Reisz wrote:
> I have set up a laptop for my granddaughter with Kubuntu Hardy installed.  It 
> is fully updated.
> The needs are:
> A UK English base for most programs and the desktop.  So a UK English 
> installation.
> Japanese input from the keyboard.
> Wireless connection using DHCP.
> The first two I have, tho' the second took a long while.
> The internet connection is proving a nightmare.  I can find no way of making 
> the settings endure, and no way of setting up DHCP at all.
> Both ethernet and the wireless card will work for one session, and one session 
> only, if I put static settings in, but although I am told that the settings 
> have been saved, they clearly have not.  
> I have tried installing and uninstalling knetworkmanager.  It seems to make 
> not a blind bit of difference.
> While it was uninstalled I tried editing /etc/network/interfaces but Kubuntu 
> seems just to ignore it.  I have reinstalled knetworkmanager (which seems to 
> be only an applet anyway, that links to the network settings in the control 
> panel), renamed /etc/network/interfaces and left the network manager to 
> reinstate it.  Still the settings do not endure past a restart and still DHCP 
> simply doesn't work.
> Can anyone offer any advice?  Or recommend another distro that would fulfill 
> the criteria?  She needs this laptop and I have been trying to get it going 
> and fulfilling the criteria since the middle of August.  She is beginning, 
> with some justification, to ask why I don't just use Windows.
For many who have problems with Knetworkmanager another app known as 
WICD works better. You find it at

Note though - once installed it can be tricky to get back to 
Knetworkmanager if you dont get things up and running.


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