list of installed files during "make install"
Bas Roufs
basroufs at
Sun Oct 12 12:29:13 UTC 2008
> Unfortunately, this whole process is for a RedHat machine (so .rpm).
> Secondly, as I mentioned in my earlier mails on this thread, I do not
> have root access on this machine. I agree, I need to be root to
> install a packages globally. BUT why do I need root access to build a
> .rpm from the source code???
To the latter question, I cannot give a clear answer. However, I found
out some months ago how to generate a 'list of installed files' on one
Kubuntu machine in order to get the same software package on another
one. I hope the instructions below are useful for you. Someone gave me
useful instructions via the Ubuntu user group. I took over the command
chains mentioned by him. But instead of 'ubuntu-files', I generated and
used 'kubuntu files'.
However it may be: open a console terminal. In my case, I saw this at
the black screen:
bas at Viaconsensus1: ~$
'bas' is my user name, 'Viaconsensus1' is the name of the computer.
Than type a set of command codes:
~$ sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall > kubuntu-files
Or better: select this whole command chain from this message.
Afterwords, go back to your console terminal and press the TWO buttons
of your mouse TOGETHER and AT THE SAME MOMENT. That is the way to
EXACTLY copy this chain of UNIX commands into your terminal. One single
detail error ('typo') is enough to block everything - so be sure to
EXACTLY copy this whole command so.
After doing so, I saw the following on the screen in my case:
bas at Viaconsensus1 <mailto:bas at Viaconsensus1>:~$ sudo dpkg
--get-selections | grep -v deinstall > kubuntu-files
Confirm the set of command codes as follows:
press the enter button at the key board
type your password for sudo
press again the enter button.
By doing so, you wilI generate a script which you can find in the home
directory: 'kubuntu-files'. Now, look for that file via Konqueror or
Dolphin. Then, use e.g. Kate to open and read it. And indeed: you will
see the WHOLE long list of software installed at your PC along with
The next step is making back-ups of 'kubuntu-files', a quite small file.
I put it at the USB stick and I e-mailed it as an attachment to my own
GMAIL address.
Afterwords I started Kubuntu at my laptop and put my USB stick in an USB
port of that machine. Via Konqueror or Dolphin I copied 'kubuntu-files'
to the home directory of the laptop. Than I opened a shell console at
the laptop. There I saw the following at the screen:
bas at Viaconsensus2 <mailto:bas at Viaconsensus1>: .... and each time a set
of command codes next to it. ('viaconsensus2' was the name I gave to the
Now, first check weather you already installed 'dselect', a little piece
of software meant to help you to install software via a console
terminal. If you do not have yet 'dselect', use the following commands
to install it:
sudo apt-get install dselect
Afterwords, confirm by means of the Enter key at your key board and
allow dselect to be installed.
Than, type the following chain of commands:
sudo apt-get update
(enter, password, enter)
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
(enter, password, enter)
sudo dpkg --set-selections < kubuntu-files
(enter, password, enter)
sudo dselect
(enter, password, enter)
Than choose the THIRD option: install 'preselected packages'.
'Preselected packages' means in this case: the 'kubuntu-files'.
!!! Especially if you need to 'update' a bigger amount of software
packages, the UNIX command "sudo apt-get update" works better than the
daily updates from ADEPT manager'!!!
Respectfully Yours,
Bas G. Roufs M.A.
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
NL-3514 VT Utrecht
E.: BasRoufs at
M.: +31.6.446.835.10.
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