Sudden complications with Adept and Synaptic

Bas Roufs basroufs at
Sat Oct 11 11:17:37 UTC 2008

Dear Everybody

This morning I effectively managed to redefine my Unix 'root' password 
at Kubuntu 7.10 - via a Konsole after starting up in the 'safe mode'. In 
spite of this, I still do not manage to access the update and software 
install functions of Adept. With Synaptic I have exactly the same 
problem. After giving in the password via the graphical KDE menu, I see 
the computer trying to access Adept or Synaptic during +/- 1 minute. 
After that minute, the process stops simply without any explanation and, 
moreover, without accessing the Adept or Synaptic menu.

I also tried to access both Synaptic and Adept via Konsole. However, 
this attempt did not succeed neither. Does anyone have a clue on how to 
fix this problem?

Below, I summarise for you what happened when I tried to set into motion 
Adept and Synaptic via Konsole. Perhaps someone can find there something 
that helps him or her to provide me with some useful feedback.

Thanks for any possible reply.

Respectfully Yours,



Password: (here I gave in the password and pressed at the 'enter' button)

root at Viaconsensus1:/home/bas# adept

bash: adept: command not found

root at Viaconsensus1:/home/bas# synaptic

Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server

Xlib: No protocol specified

(synaptic:7679): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

root at Viaconsensus1:/home/bas# exit (here I gave in exit to leave the 
root mode)


bas at Viaconsensus1:~$ kdesu synaptic

(after hitting the enter button, nothing happened).

bas at Viaconsensus1:~$ kdesu adept

(after hitting the enter button, nothing happened).

bas at Viaconsensus1:~$ su

Password: (here I gave in again the root password and hit the enter button)

root at Viaconsensus1:/home/bas# kdesu adept

Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server

Xlib: No protocol specified

kdesu: cannot connect to X server :0.0

root at Viaconsensus1:/home/bas#             
(Here I gut stuck all together.)

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