Beta 8.10 released

David McGlone d.mcglone at
Sat Oct 11 10:09:12 UTC 2008

On Friday 10 October 2008 11:07:40 pm Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Friday 10 October 2008, Billie Erin Walsh wrote:
> >Lisi Reisz wrote:
> >> On Friday 10 October 2008 16:34:16 Billie Erin Walsh wrote:
> >>> On 10/10/2008 Lisi Reisz wrote:
> >>>>  (And I myself had to edit what I had originally said about my
> >>>>  nationality,
> >>>>  since it might have offended citizens of the United States.)
> >>>>
> >>>>  Lisi
> >>>
> >>> One thing I have learned over time is no matter what your going to
> >>> offend someone along the way.  As you grow older you learn not to let
> >>> it bother you if you do.
> >>
> >> I can't agree.  I used to care less than I do.  But as I got older I
> >> have learnt to respect other people's feelings more.  If I can
> >> reasonably manage it, and provided of course that I am not so angry that
> >> I would be pleased if I gave offence ;-), I try to avoid giving offence.
> >>  This does not mean that I always succeed, of course.
> >>
> >> Lisi
> >
> >You aren't old enough yet. *<]:oD
> You beat me to it Billie.  Lisi needs to have a little more confidence when
> she knows she is right.  I would guess Lisi at 1/3rd my age, and no, I'm
> not bucking for a quarter, I'm just that old.

He's so old he farts dust! ;-)

David M.

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