Beta 8.10 released

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Fri Oct 10 14:00:35 UTC 2008

On Thursday 09 October 2008 5:59:33 pm Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> OTOH I appreciate people spain who want to keep current with Kubuntu
> releases but need stable desktops, because KDE 4.x just isn't there yet,
> and I doubt Intrepid will be any better. The problems aren't in the base
> distro, its KDE itself and there isn't a lot Canonical can do about that.

Well Kubuntu could have stuck with the Hardy model of KDE 3 by default and 4 
in the PPA.  At least until KDE 4 was reasonably stable.  If that happened by 
spring, maybe plunge in with Jazzy Jaguar or Killer Kangaroo next fall.

> I dunno what the solution is other than wait for KDE 4.3 or 4.4. Maybe
> Kubuntu should have stuck with KDE 3.5 till 2009, but people would have
> been upset with that as well. Rock and a hard place really.

But I return to my hobbyist vs. business user position.  Until Intrepid, 
Kubuntu was making a very credible argument that it was a serious desktop OS, 
that people could depend upon, as opposed to play with.

If the issue is whether to annoy the serious users or the experimental 
adopters, then the answer should be found in the question, "What is Kubuntu — 
a reliable platform for computing, or an experimental toy for hobbyists?"  
Either answer would be legitimate, but you can't pretend that is "a reliable 
platform for computing" if your release more resembles the "xperimental toy".

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