Beta 8.10 released

Emanoil Kotsev deloptes at
Fri Oct 10 00:06:56 UTC 2008

--- On Fri, 10/10/08, Derek Broughton <news at> wrote:

> From: Derek Broughton <news at>
> Subject: Re: Beta 8.10 released
> To: kubuntu-users at
> Date: Friday, October 10, 2008, 1:33 AM
> Emanoil Kotsev wrote:
> > In this case in fact I was a bit rude. And this
> because I hate people
> > makeing statements about me or people like me saying I
> don't want to
> > change and other people asking what's my point,
> when I comment this
> > statement.
> A philologist who can understand this much really
> shouldn't be having such a
> hard time in this discussion.  The simple point you seem to
> refuse to
> consider is that there is NO need for you to be the guinea
> pig for KDE4. 
> We've pointed out to you numerous times that it's
> pretty simple to upgrade
> as little or as much as you want.  You can stick with a
> kernel from Gutsy,
> KDE (3.5) from Hardy, and everything else from Intrepid if
> you want.
> You _don't_ want to change - and that's alright. 
> So why try to antagonize
> everybody else?
> > Thanks a lot by the way I learned something again -
> don't ask americans (I
> > assume you are) 
> I suspect not.  I'd guess Lisi's German, not that
> it matters :-)
> > if they get the point :-) 
> I'm not American, but I think I take that question the
> same way most
> Americans would.  It implies they're deliberately
> ignoring the point you're
> trying to make - and since your arguments seem to be doing
> the same, it's
> insulting.  From your description, I'd suggest that
> what you really meant
> is more along the lines of "do you understand what
> I'm trying to say?" (and
> yes, I realize that logically those mean _exactly_ the
> same, but the latter
> is much less confrontational).
> -- 
> derek

At least you can speak with arguments and this is somehting I respect.

In fact I understand you much better after all this writing and as I said I know now what to expect and which are the options to choose from, so despite of the zig-zags in this discussion I am thankful for what I've learned here.

Indeed "having such a hard time in this discussion" and being the "guinea pig" which is your asumption but not the way how I feel is because I know why I'm doing it. I'm writing with pleasure (a bit harder in english though), but still I don't mind. The things I write, I really do think and I share them on purpouse - just to find out what is your motivation behind and where kubuntu is going. 

Just to remind it started all about the fact that kde4 will replace kde3 soon and that there is no LST for kubuntu. Now I know why and I know what options there are, so I will be able to support few friends around me who are pure k/ubuntu users.

The thing that I still think you didn't understand is that at the time of the next major distro shift k/ubuntu should write or say things somehow people can understand them easyly.
I didn't read anywhere on the k/ubuntu web site that LST is only ubuntu related.

This was my motivation to participate and to discuss (while things are getting compiled ;-)

I hope you understand me as well as I understand you

and again I really appreciate this discussion



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