Beta 8.10 released

Lindsay Mathieson lindsay.mathieson at
Thu Oct 9 22:41:34 UTC 2008

Ian L. Target wrote:
> Steve Lamb wrote:
>> <snipped>
>> 8.04 ships with 3.5.9 with 4.0 as an alternative.  Upgraded to 3.5.10 and
>> 4.1.2 respectively.
>> 8.10 ships with 4.1.2 with 3.5.10 as an alternative.  Probably might see 4.2.x
>> out of this
> Hey, hey, hey there, hold on a minute!  This whole KDE 3.5 vs 4.2 stuff
> erupted after the OP (me) posted the following question:  Will Kubuntu
> 8.10 be available with KDE 3.5.10?  I have deleted the responses but I
> am certain the first response was a "NO."  So whats the scoop?  Will
> Kubuntu 8.10 be available with KDE 3.5.10?  I looked on
> but didn't see anything that would answer this.

I think Steve was making a suggestion as to what Kubuntu could do, not 
alas what it is doing.


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