Beta 8.10 released

Lisi Reisz lisi.reisz at
Thu Oct 9 22:21:59 UTC 2008

On Thursday 09 October 2008 23:02:13 Emanoil Kotsev wrote:
> got the point now?

Since English is for you a foreign language, you are probably less aware than 
most of us of the impression that your emails are creating - and for all of 
us email can be difficult and very open to misinterpretation because of the 
lack of inflexion, tone and body language.  Emoticons just don't cut the ice 
as substitutes.

So you are probably not aware how rude you are being a lot of the time.  You 
are not the only one being rude in this discussion, but I suspect the one or 
two others know perfectly well that they are being rude and are doing it on 

I realise that corresponding in a foreign language is very difficult and your 
English is very good.  But perhaps try rephrasing your contributions?  
Unless, of course, I am wrong and you are being rude on purpose. ;-)


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