Beta 8.10 released

Derek Broughton news at
Thu Oct 9 14:05:38 UTC 2008

Brendan wrote:

> On Wednesday 08 October 2008, Art Alexion wrote:
>> I can't believe that I am _defending_ XP.  That said, you have something
>> really wrong if XP is crashing more than once every two months. 
>> Honestly,
> Really wrong? It's running on hardware that's ECC-ram, been running
> rock-solid for years and it's running in a VM with VMWare Tools installed.
> It just crashes every so often. It's Windows, dude.

Irrelevant.  Even Microsoft can get something right eventually, and I don't
get XP crashes.  Ever.

>> I have an XP machine at my desk for support and testing, and though apps
>> crash, I can't remember the last time the OS crashed.  Then again, I
>> never use IE, and only use Outlook for testing.

And I use IE, regularly (can't develop web sites without testing for IE) and
have one XP machine that is ONLY used for Outlook.
> Honestly, your good experience does not cancel out my bad one. 

Obviously not, but by all accounts, XP is as stable for most users as a
Linux system.

> Ok, reverse the debate: I have never had Amarok crash on me...ever. 

I get Amarok crashing often - and I don't even use it that much - but I
don't consider that an OS problem.  The linux OS doesn't crash.

> Kmail crashed once a month ago. 

Kmail/kontact can be crashed fairly easily by using IMAP folders and trying
to move messages around while something else is moving the messages around
(e.g. your filters are running).  knode is worse, as it will often crash if
I'm just typing too fast (I have a bad KVM switch here, which will get into
keyboard-repeat mode and usually crash kontact).

konqueror is the easiest to crash.  Do anything that will trigger a change
to the current window, navigate to somewhere else before that change
occurs.  Crash.  I find it easiest to use "Find" to find a large set of
files, and try to open one of those before the find is finished.  It's a
known bug, and I understand it still exists in Dolphin.


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