8.10b - first impression and questions

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Wed Oct 8 13:53:13 UTC 2008

Emanoil Kotsev wrote:

Please don't top post.   It makes it hard to have a conversation.

> If I understand you right, you want to say that kernel RC should be
> working.

It _should_ - not _is_.

> Well it might be working for the developers but it is _not_ 100% sure and
> if it is not even 95% sure to work then it is not an option.

I agree.  My point is that you said "how can you expect something [to] work,
that is in rc (release candidate) state?", and I believe that you have
_every_ reason to expect a product in RC state to work.  If it isn't
working for any more than a very small percentage of users it should never
have become an RC candidate.

> So please don't try to convince me that RC is fine.

I didn't say that.
> People should know what they have to expect - i.e. backup their data
> before trying something like RC kernel.

Still, you also should understand that this is NOT an "RC kernel".  Kernel
development is completely separate from Kubuntu development, and the kernel
involved is actually considered production-ready, not "RC">

> I still can not understand what kind of people should call something
> working if they are not 100% sure that it's working and how can you be
> sure if you didn't test. 

Well, _that's_ just a completely unreasonable statement.  The kernels are
tested extensively.

> Until then, please use the term "on your own risk"

Nobody can ever test all combinations of software and hardware, so to that
extent, all OSes are at "your own risk"

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