Beta 8.10 released

Willy K. Hamra w.hamra1987 at
Mon Oct 6 17:03:41 UTC 2008

Steve C. Lamb wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 07:36:46PM +0300, Willy K. Hamra wrote:
>>, "KDE 3 is obsolete and
>> largely unmaintained. Keeping with KDE 3 would offer no advantage over
>> giving users Hardy." .
>     Largely obsolete and largely unmaintained yet it still is far more stable
> than KDE4 with more features.  Obsolete and unmaintained doesn't mean it is
> falling apart.  Software doesn't break just because it is old.  Some pieces of
> software in Debian are "largely obsolete and largely unmaintained" for going
> on a decade and still works just fine.
>> what is it exactly that you're still complaining about?
>     Where am I complaining?  In case you missed it I stated up front that I am
> using 4.1.1 more than anything else right now.

yes steve, i know you're not complaining,actually, i like your stand
about the whole thing, the question is pointed at those that *are*

Willy K. Hamra
Manager of Hamra Information Systems
Co. Manager of Zeina Computer & Billy Net
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