list of installed files during "make install"
James Gray
james at
Mon Oct 6 06:35:39 UTC 2008
On 06/10/2008, at 4:15 PM, P Kapat wrote:
> When installing a package from source, we do "make install". Is there
> anyway to get the list of files that "make install" is going to
> install before actually installing them. This is not a
> kubuntu-specific issue, but I guess someone will know some trick!
Not exactly the answer to your question, but try installing
"checkinstall" which automagically generates a .deb for whatever it is
you are trying to compile. The basic idea is you replace the "make
install" step with "checkinstall" instead. The general sequence of
events goes like this:
1. sudo apt-get install checkinstall
2. Download you source tar ball, extract, etc
3. ./configure --with-any-options --etc
4. make
5. sudo checkinstall
6. sudo dpkg -i the-generated.deb
Voila. Instead of #6, you could interrogate the package for what
files it contains etc. The benefit of this approach is that if you
ever want to get rid of the program, you can simply use the familiar
apt/dpk/aptitude/synaptic/whateverFloatsYourBoat package management
tools :)
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