Beta 8.10 released

Knapp magick.crow at
Sat Oct 4 20:48:35 UTC 2008

On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 10:39 PM, p.daniels <teeahr1 at> wrote:
> On Saturday October 4 2008 15:07:25 Knapp wrote:
>> I find it rather interesting how aggressive a lot of the pro kde 4
>> only people are in their writing. I wonder why?
> Well, I can only speak for myself (and yes, I'm one of the "pro-kde4"
> people, I guess), but I totally get sick of hearing the same complaints from
> the same people who then come right out and proudly say they aren't
> contributing a damn thing[1], and eventually I start to lose my temper with
> it. I found Brendan's reply a little more Slashdot and a little less
> Kubuntu-Users but that doesn't mean he's wrong.
> -p.
> [1]: I'm not implying that you're one of those people, just admitting that I
> myself have snapped at folks in other threads and forums on occasion, and
> that's why.

Who said that? I know I do what I can to help around here, so am not offended.

I understand loosing ones temper, I just helped someone for the fourth
time, not the same someone but yet another tread about a problem that
was fixed. Yet when I went to Google my own answer, I had a hard time
finding it among a whole lot of wrong or bad answers. Sometimes herds
of people just drive you nuts! Gad I don't have to run a country or
anything like that.

Douglas E Knapp

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