Beta 8.10 released

Knapp magick.crow at
Sat Oct 4 20:43:00 UTC 2008

On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 10:18 PM, Graham Todd <grahamtodd2 at> wrote:
> On Sat, 4 Oct 2008 09:56:58 +0200
> Knapp <magick.crow at> wrote:
>> Hole in one, nail on the head, this is *Ubuntu. I use it because I
>> don't want Gentoo style hacking. I don't want to hack my OS. I want to
>> hack my game program that I am writing. *ubuntu stands for "Just
>> works", I think that is why they have become so big. I stated linux to
>> escape the blue screen of death. I started Ubuntu to escape system
>> hacking but have the latest and greatest software.
> [snipped]
> Well, that isn't what Linux, or the Ubuntu family, is supposed to be
> about.  They are part of a bigger community where people give as well
> as receive.  To make the software and the various distributions better
> there needs to be some input; we have always been beta testers.  If
> thats not what you are prepared to be, don't use the latest and
> greatest bleeding edge software, like KDE4.1.2.
> If you want to use Linux software "that just works", try something like
> Debian stable.  It won't have the latest and greatest software in it,
> but it will be tested until all the bugs are out of the system.  And
> that takes a community effort.
> --
> Graham Todd

Yes, community is what *ubuntu is about and having the latest and
greatest but the fact that the stuff works without much problem is why
it is being taken up en mass. You drop the "it just works" and you
will loose most of the people that are coming to Linux through Ubuntu
from Windows. Newbie don't want to fix a system or debug it, they want
to use one and learn it. Like it or not Ubuntu is THE newbie system
but there are a lot of other distros just waiting for it to slip up,
Mandriva for example would love to get back the pack. Finding bugs is
not what *ubuntu is about. That is what alpha and beta is about!

Where on this page do you see anything about the user should expect
his system to crash and that he should then fill out bug reports or
that his system will be broken and not work because they are trying
out new software?

Lot of clipping but looks to be like they expect users to have as
perfect an experience as is possible.

"We issue a new desktop and server release every six months. That
means you'll always have the latest and greatest applications that the
open source world has to offer.

Ubuntu is designed with security in mind. **** we make our very best
work available to everyone on the same free terms.

Everything you need comes on one CD, providing a complete working environment.

The graphical installer enables you to get up and running quickly and easily.

Once installed your system is immediately ready-to-use. On the desktop
you have a full set of productivity, internet, drawing and graphics
applications, and games.

Nothing about debugging here. And you know, I rather expect that 8,10
will just work. I still think they are taking a bad risk but I could
easily be wrong. We will see.

Douglas E Knapp

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