Beta 8.10 released

Giovanni Cucca giovanni.cucca at
Sat Oct 4 01:24:29 UTC 2008

On Friday 03 October 2008 22:00:22 Graham Todd wrote:
> On Fri, 3 Oct 2008 10:39:35 -0400
> Art Alexion <art.alexion at> wrote:
> > On Friday 03 October 2008 9:57:12 am Nils Kassube wrote:
> > > Give the developers time to finish their work. I
> > > expect there will be many improvements within that one year 
> > > KDE4 will be usable until then.
> >
> > Isn't that something that should be done /before/ making it the
> > default?
> Its only the default for THIS issue.  Linux is a community OS, and
> feedback for the developers gives them an opportunity to make it
> better, and therefore each issue will depend upon us testing it.
> Whether we like it or not, KDE 4 is the next development of KDE.  
> 4.1.2 represents the latest version of KDE.  Try it, and give feedback
> to make future developments better.  If you don't like it, then there
> are alternatives: Ubuntu (GNOME), Xubuntu (XFCE), OpenGEU
> (ENLIGHTENMENT).  The only other way is to use a version of KDE 
> will (eventually) not be supported any more.
> So no, not every version of every desktop environment/window 
manager is
> totally usable.  We help to make them better.
+1. Very good point.
And by the way, I'm using Intrepid and KDE 4.1.2, and I'm liking that 
very much.
> --
> Graham Todd

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