Beta 8.10 released

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Fri Oct 3 09:22:23 UTC 2008

Steve Lamb wrote:
> Knapp wrote:
>> I would also like to have seen this. To bad we can't do a poll. I
>> wonder what the results would be?
>     I was rather vocal of my disgust at KDE 4.0.  However I think I've turned
> around on the whole matter.  I still rail against the whole notion of
> Plasmoids as pretty much useless fluff, but 4.1.x has been good to me.  I've
> been using it exclusively in a VM for well over a month now.
>     I still have problems with it on my real box but I think that has more to
> do with bad interactions with KDE3 setups than anything else.  On the VM
> machine I found the joys of the Wonton Soup color scheme.  The real machine's
> GTK apps (Firefox/TBird), don't pull the scheme's background color but pulls
> it's light foreground color.  As a result I'm stuck with a very difficult to
> read white on light-blue combination.  A problem, so far, that has gotten no
> suggestions for solving from ubuntuforums...  :(
>     Now, some of the KDE4 applications just need to get up to snuff.  KRDC for
> example.  I have no idea why the 3.5.10 version is quite snappy (only
> xtightvncviewer is quicker) while the 4.1.1 version introduces a 1/2-1 second
> lag to mouse movements.  >.<
This is really odd.. I run 4.1.1 in a VBox as well and KRDC is one of 
the apps I find to be really nicely improved... I notice no lag 
whatsoever compared to the 3.5 version!


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