Web email

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 30 21:24:21 UTC 2008

andrew heggie wrote:
> On Sunday 30 November 2008 20:36:48 Steven Vollom wrote:
>> I believe you can set up gmail to automatically forward mail to your
>> home account.  You can do and undo that at will on the road from the
>> gmail site
> The labelling and filtering facility means you can forward only specific mail 
> to a normal mailbox. it's good for filtering out high traffic email lists 
> like this one when internet access is limited. The spam killing is good too 
> and it has some ability to learn.
> Andrew Heggie
I have used the service for quite a while, however, my needs are very 
minimal, so you already understand more than me.  I can give it to 
people I am not sure of yet, and yet, can't be hurt when I make a 
foolish choice.  I have a friend who has half dozen gmail accounts.  I 
hope it functions well for you.


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