Why use a virtual machine? **RESOLVED** What I wanted to know, was answered. I am not interested anymore. THANKS TO ALL

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 30 03:33:31 UTC 2008

Constantinos Maltezos wrote:
> I'm glad you got what you wanted to know, however a lot of people read this 
> list.  Perhaps you got an answer you were satisfied with, but someone else who 
> became interested in what you asked wanted to hear more about it.  It doesn't 
> do any harm to let everyone have their say if they feel they have something to 
> contribute.
> By the way, when you use your subject line for your entire message (not a 
> great thing to do, but there's no netiquette rule I'm aware of about it), 
> please delete the quoted message inside the body.  It would be greatly 
> appreciated. :)
Thanks.  I will.   It took me a moment to realize what you were talking 
about.  When I read it now, I realize how wrong it was.  It did not 
really express what I was trying to say anyway.

I had two motivations in this post; neither are something I am proud of.

I wanted a way to avoid giving Microsoft any more money and still use 
what I wanted from them.  Additionally, I wanted to download a movie I 
didn't pay for.  Neither reason is worthy of publishing. 

So that you know, I hate that I do these two things.  I have become 
angry with Microsoft, the Movie industry, and sometimes pro-sports.  
They dominate anyone who would like to compete with them.  They 
monopolize a very attractive market.  They are so lustful that it is 
obscene.  Doing business with them is more morally offensive to me than 
taking a few things from them without paying.  It is not justifiable, 
but I haven't been able to discipline myself yet.

I am old and very poor.  My reasons would not offend you.  Nonetheless, 
no affordable access to these very fun things, just to make the richest 
of the rich richer, just doesn't appeal to me.  If they sue me for 
taking what I take, they get nothing, because I have nothing.  The loss 
is still there, though, for I have to compromise my principles to behave 
the way I do.  I haven't gone to a movie that I paid for or a ball game 
for about 15 years now.  I miss that.  Since my forced retirement, I 
haven't been able to afford my computer except for salvaging someone's 
discard.  You wouldn't believe it, but I still love my life.  I would 
not give up what I have done with it for additional financial security.  
It was worth it.  I am very grateful for people like you who help people 
that could not resolve their problems without you.

Most Cordially,


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