Kubuntu Hardy won't play .bin movie?

Graham Todd grahamtodd2 at googlemail.com
Sat Nov 29 17:52:25 UTC 2008

On Sat, 29 Nov 2008 12:20:56 -0500 (EST)
"jack wallen" <jlwallen at monkeypantz.net> wrote:

> > I am previewing a movie for my grandbabies.  It is a Nancy Drew
> > Mystery.  I is a Rar file that has a file association of .bin.  I
> Googled for the correct player which was Helix.  I installed but the
> player does not work.  It suggests it is missing  bin  .  Can't find a
> missing dependency.
> >
> > Steven
> >
> give VLC a try. Helix is a pretty flaky player and often won't play
> file types it claims it can play.
Try downloading alien and the .rpm for Helix Player, the create a .deb
using alien and run it.  Always worked for me, but you might be better
off trying RealPlayer as its based on Helix.

Graham Todd

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