web radio

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at gmx.de
Fri Nov 28 18:11:24 UTC 2008


I would like to record this stream.


When I open the live stream, totem (crazy, but it is totem on kubuntu!!) 
opens the stream and plays the music nicely.

Problem: I would like to record the stream to harddisk.

I tried with totem to record it, but did not find an option or a 
commandline parameter for this.

Also tried with vlc, kmplayer, xine, kaffeine, dragon and mplayer

None of these could even play the stream.


I also installed Windows Media Player, winamp and quicktime under wine.
Of these three, only quicktime could play the stream, but the sound is 
more than flaky. Much worse, in order to record it, Apple announces the 
Pro Version, of which I have no clue whether it works with wine and $40 
also is not what I would like to spend for a flaky sounding windows app.
The others also failed to open the stream.

I googled but to no avail.

Any idea?

My system fyi:
Kubuntu 8.10, fully upgraded, medibuntu repositories enabled and 
anything from medibuntu including mplayer, codecs, quicktime and 
anything else I could think of installed.

Thanks much for your help


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