The last word on Passwords

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Tue Nov 25 00:58:45 UTC 2008

On Monday 24 November 2008, Steven Vollom wrote:
> I hope we are OK.

We are as long as they send me the Ferrari that is the prize for "most 
patience of the year" award.  :-)

> I kind of wish I could use the program in Feisty that 
> gave me what I want. 

Have no idea what program that might be.

> Is there a way to extract that package from an old 
> Feisty CD and make it work in a more current OS? 


> That was best for me.   
> It was pretty too, and that is good for an artist.  It had a beige
> background; I not sure the color of the print.  But it sure was a
> GODsend for someone with a missing digit.  Every time I look up, I see
> another email.  I am not confident this is the last one, but you have
> been put through enough.

Must have been a nice program.   I've never known of it.  What did it do?

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