Password question.

Ignazio Palmisano ignazio_io at
Tue Nov 25 00:40:26 UTC 2008

Steven Vollom wrote:
> Bruce Marshall wrote:   
>> <slaps hand to forehead>    why did you not try it before???   I outlined the 
>> procedure at least twice!
> Because I got scared.  What happened during this post happens a lot.  I 
> was afraid I did not understand and would screw up.  Also, I am still 
> not sure that that is the option I really want.

To avoid getting scared and to avoid screwing up the system, you may try
using VirtualBox (or another virtual machine package) to create a
virtual computer, in which to install Kubuntu and try all possible
variations and tricks. The virtual computer uses a file on your hard
drive as simulated hard disk, so you keep a backup copy of it and if you
mess up the virtual system, you just copy the backup in place of the
messed up system, without any risk for your real system. I've been doing
this to run Kubuntu, Ubuntu and Windows on my Mac, and it works just
great. Others on this list do the same to try out new versions, and I
think it's a great way to learn without spending days reinstalling the
system when you get growing pains.

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