Password question.
Steven Vollom
stevenvollom at
Mon Nov 24 17:28:21 UTC 2008
Bruce Marshall wrote:
> On Monday 24 November 2008, Steven Vollom wrote:
>> First, I can change my Login password to 37 characters. Then I set a
>> password for root. Is that what the above says?
> Then I can't help you and what you want I don't think is smart. And.....
> what I am proposing is not that much tougher than what you want.
> Suppose:
> 1) You log in to your system with your gawd-awful 37 characters.
> 2) you open a console window in KDE.
> 3) You type 3 simple things:
> xhost + <this opens the X system for commands you issue at root.>
> su <jump down to root in the console window)
> <enter roots password>
> Now you have a root window that you NEVER NEED TO CLOSE FOR THIS SESSION.
> And if you have a two character root password (Not recommended at all) then
> there is not much to type.
> I usually have three such console sessions going at all times, one of them
> being an ssh session on my email server and firewall.
> Now, if you'd trade in some of those 37 characters (like 25 of them) I'll bet
> you could come out with less key strokes.
Hi Bruce,
Just me again. I just reread this post. If I take your suggestion, and
create the Root Shell, will it adopt my current administrator password,
(em). If I then change my login password to that awful 37 one, will
that automatically change my root shell password to that awful one or
will it remain, em like I want? Have you ever run into such a dense
head as mine? Thanks again, friend.
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