Kudos for Konqueror

Constantinos Maltezos pandarsson at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 24 09:46:00 UTC 2008

On Sunday 23 November 2008 5:20:00 pm Dotan Cohen wrote:
> 2008/11/21 Derek Broughton <news at pointerstop.ca>:
> > Nice review here: http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7186/
> >
> > I'm not entirely sure I agree with some of the points (somebody said
> > Konqueror in 4.x is using WebKit - I didn't think it was, and it
> > certainly isn't any better at flash than it used to be), and the author
> > doesn't actually show the latest version, but I like it!
> Thanks for pointing that out. As for Konqueror using Webkit, I am
> having a hard time finding information to back this up. I know that it
> has been in controversy for a long time. This is the best article that
> I could find, from before the KDE 4.0 release:
> http://liquidat.wordpress.com/2007/12/20/kubuntus-kde-4-livecd-comes-with-w

In your Konqueror 4, go to any web page.  Click on the "View" menu and go to 
"View Mode".  It will show that it's set to KHTML.  The option below it is 
WebKit.  If you click on a link, it will switch back to KHTML.  To change it 
permanently, change the file association for html files, the embedded part.

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