For Nils who has helped me or any other expert, and Nubies like me.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Sun Nov 23 10:37:35 UTC 2008

> AFAIU, when there are configuration problems with any kde 
> software, deleting the config file resets everything to 
> defaults the next time the software is run. I have done 
> this numerous times with kmail for example. IMO this was a 
> truly kind act of the programmers. :)
Is the config file you are suggesting deleting /.kde/share/config  ?
> As kwin is the window manager (I think) you will have to log 
> out and back in again for the change to be effected, and 
> hopefully you'll have your default settings back.
>> Did focus follows the cursor cause all this?
> I wouldn't think so, no.
>> I feel like an idiot.
> You hit the jackpot then, you got me! ;)
>> Steven
> nepal.

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