Firefox upload preview

Paul Rumelhart godshatter at
Sat Nov 22 18:30:46 UTC 2008

Willy Hamra wrote:
> Dear David, this happens because Firefox is written using GTK, while
> you are used to the rest of KDE which is
> written the better looking QT. so firefox uses a GNOME-like file
> chooser menu which doesn't contain thumnails.
> this has been recently discussed on the list, and Dotan Cohen filed a
> bug on Launchpad about it. i can't remember the link, but will post it
> here when i find it. so far, it seems like they are with the idea, but
> it's too early to know, but if all goes well, the bug will be assigned
> to jaunty jackalope, and the feature will appear in kubuntu 9.04

It's been a while since I've done it, but I once downloaded the source 
for the mozilla suite on Debian and compiled firefox using a different 
interface.  I think I used a later version of gtk instead of whatever 
version was compiled into the one in the repositories.  I believe QT was 
on the list of possible interfaces, which makes me wonder if Canonical 
could make a kubuntu-firefox package or something that used a version 
compiled with QT.

After a little googling, I found that somebody is apparently working on 
Firefox for QT:


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