problem cleaning up old drive

Derek Broughton news at
Fri Nov 21 23:22:25 UTC 2008

Hakan Koseoglu wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> Matthew Flaschen said the following on 21/11/08 18:07:
>> dban is about disk security.  Erasing and making it difficult to
>> recover.  As for the bad sector issue, my understanding (could be
>> wrong about this) is that modern drives automatically drop bad
>> sectors after repeated failures.
> Dban does bad disk check as well but as you've said it's more about
> security. About modern disk drives - I still have occasional hard disk
> causing bad block issues. To be fair, when that happens usually the
> disk is on its way out and they don't last much long after such
> errors. 

Precisely - when that happens it means the drive has already used up 
it's entire internal reserve of bad blocks, by which point you can 
reasonably expect it's about to expire.

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