problem cleaning up old drive

nepal google nepal.roade at
Fri Nov 21 19:10:30 UTC 2008

On Friday 21 Nov 2008, Hakan Koseoglu wrote:
> nepal google wrote:
> >> UUID=7cf78f1c-76a3-40c8-bdff-7c8b4570b8d0 none
> >>  swap    sw              0       0
> >
> > I changed the UUID to the new number when creating the
> > new swap. is that correct?
> I don't think that would work since even with the UUID
> the system wouldn't know where to look at. The UUIDs are
> great when they are a part of the partition/file system
> where the  other software know where to look at. If I'm
> correct, the UUIDs are read from the fs and then found in
> /etc/fstab to see where they are going. This won't work
> if the target is a file or a loop device.
> If I'm wrong, I'm sure someone will correct me. :)

ok, so I change the line as you suggest in your other mail, 
these darned crossed mails eh?

I will change the fstab line as you suggest to swapfile 
none. then wait for you to confirm before I reboot.

I really appreciate your time and attention helping me with 


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