Keyboard problem in 8.10

Glenn R Williams gloonie at
Fri Nov 21 14:02:06 UTC 2008

Glenn R Williams
Tegirmende tovmış sıçgan kökreginge korkmas
	-- Atasöz

On Thursday 20 November 2008 16:34:08 Bruce Marshall wrote:
> On Thursday 20 November 2008, Glenn R Williams wrote:
> > Go into system-settings --> regional & language -> keyboard layout.
> >
> > Do you have "Enable keyboard layouts: selected? If so, which ones? If
> > not, check in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and let us know what it thinks you have
> > under
> >
> > Section "InputDevice"
> Did that...  no change.  Layouts weren't on but in that case I think it
> takes a generic US layout.  The selected layout was US  and a 104 keybd. 
> Just what I would expect.
> The xorg.conf says its a 105 kybd which is the same as my Hardy xorg.  In
> fact I copied over the Hardy xorg file and that didn't change anything
> either.
> The left cursor key works everywhere but within X-server.   Both KDE3 and
> KDE4 fail...  which makes me think its a bug in the X-server.  (on two
> different machines)
> Point in fact, I have a fresh install on my main machine with hardly any
> changes.  That is, I installed it, found the problem still exists, and I
> haven't done much else with it.   So that's two machines,  KDE3 and KDE4
> under 8.10, all fresh installs.   Something is rotten.
> I just blew away my .kde directory and .kderc  and let them get rebuilt....
> and no change...
> Beats the heck outta me........

Bruce - did you ever figure out what was wrong?


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