convert to html ** SOLVED **

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Thu Nov 20 21:28:06 UTC 2008

Michael Hirsch wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 9:24 AM, Steven Vollom
> <stevenvollom at> wrote:
>> Derek Broughton wrote:
>>> Steven Vollom wrote:
>>>> Derek Broughton wrote:
>>>>> Steven Vollom wrote:
>>>>>> My printer is not working and I have to print a rebate and receipt.
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> went to a friend's after copying the doc's. to a thumb drive.  Their
>>>>>> computer could not read and print a  Is there a program
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> converts to html; and will that print in a Microsoft PC?
>>>>> How about ps2pdf?  You should have it.
>>>> I looked in Adept Package Manager for ps2pdf and couldn't find it.
>>>> When
>>>> I attempt to save, it is not an option.
>>> An option to what?  As I said, it should already be on your system (the
>>> package is ghostscript).
>>>> But thanks anyway!
>> Please don't get too frustrated with me.  It is not easy being as stupid
>> as I am.  I am pretty sure I have ghostscript because I remember seeing
>> that at the top of a window I had opened recently.  When I was using
>> windows and wanted to save something to a different file extension, I
>> would click on a dropdown and several choices would appear.  That is
>> what I expected when I clicked 'save as' on the file.  I
>> expected to see perhaps .html or pdf or some other recognizable file
>> extension that I could save to.  Is a .ps file considered the same as a
>> .pdf?  I am so frustrated.
> Steve,
> As you've possibly figured out by now, people have been giving you
> commandline suggestions and you've been looking for GUIs.  In general,
> when what we are saying doesn't make sense, trying running the command
> in a shell window.  I bet that you have ps2pdf installed already.
> Just open a shell and try running it.
> That said, here's how to create a pdf from pretty much anything you
> can print.  I believe that by default you have a "Print to PDF"
> printer installed.  So browse your file system with konqueror or
> dolphin to where your .ps file is and doubleclick it (sigle click may
> work, depending on configuration).  You should see the ps file either
> in your pbrowser or in another window.  Now print the file (The first
> menu should have a "Print..." option, or type <CTRL>-p (That's holding
> the crtl or control key and then pressing p).
> You should get the print dialog.  The first item in the drop down is
> the name of the printer.  click it and select "Print to File(PDF)".  A
> few lines below this is "Output file:", a text entry field, and a
> folder icon.  Click the folder icon and browse to the desired
> directory.  Enter the desired filename in the "Location" field.  Click
> the save button to set the file location, Then click print to create
> the PDF.
> Hope that helps,
> Michael
I thought I had posted solved to that inquiry.  But thanks.  I am using 
that method now.  The other was a .ps which I am told should have been 
convertable to pdf or read by an adobe reader, but it was associated to 
Mozilla and would not work.  I can do it now.  Thanks again friend.

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