convert to html

Michael Hirsch mdhirsch at
Thu Nov 20 20:56:13 UTC 2008

On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 9:24 AM, Steven Vollom
<stevenvollom at> wrote:
> Derek Broughton wrote:
>> Steven Vollom wrote:
>>> Derek Broughton wrote:
>>>> Steven Vollom wrote:
>>>>> My printer is not working and I have to print a rebate and receipt.
>>>>> I
>>>>> went to a friend's after copying the doc's. to a thumb drive.  Their
>>>>> computer could not read and print a  Is there a program
>>>>> that
>>>>> converts to html; and will that print in a Microsoft PC?
>>>> How about ps2pdf?  You should have it.
>>> I looked in Adept Package Manager for ps2pdf and couldn't find it.
>>> When
>>> I attempt to save, it is not an option.
>> An option to what?  As I said, it should already be on your system (the
>> package is ghostscript).
>>> But thanks anyway!
> Please don't get too frustrated with me.  It is not easy being as stupid
> as I am.  I am pretty sure I have ghostscript because I remember seeing
> that at the top of a window I had opened recently.  When I was using
> windows and wanted to save something to a different file extension, I
> would click on a dropdown and several choices would appear.  That is
> what I expected when I clicked 'save as' on the file.  I
> expected to see perhaps .html or pdf or some other recognizable file
> extension that I could save to.  Is a .ps file considered the same as a
> .pdf?  I am so frustrated.


As you've possibly figured out by now, people have been giving you
commandline suggestions and you've been looking for GUIs.  In general,
when what we are saying doesn't make sense, trying running the command
in a shell window.  I bet that you have ps2pdf installed already.
Just open a shell and try running it.

That said, here's how to create a pdf from pretty much anything you
can print.  I believe that by default you have a "Print to PDF"
printer installed.  So browse your file system with konqueror or
dolphin to where your .ps file is and doubleclick it (sigle click may
work, depending on configuration).  You should see the ps file either
in your pbrowser or in another window.  Now print the file (The first
menu should have a "Print..." option, or type <CTRL>-p (That's holding
the crtl or control key and then pressing p).

You should get the print dialog.  The first item in the drop down is
the name of the printer.  click it and select "Print to File(PDF)".  A
few lines below this is "Output file:", a text entry field, and a
folder icon.  Click the folder icon and browse to the desired
directory.  Enter the desired filename in the "Location" field.  Click
the save button to set the file location, Then click print to create
the PDF.

Hope that helps,


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