Keyboard problem in 8.10

Glenn R Williams gloonie at
Thu Nov 20 20:52:44 UTC 2008

On Thursday 20 November 2008 15:42:32 Michael Hirsch wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 12:48 PM, Bruce Marshall <bmarsh at> wrote:
> > On Thursday 20 November 2008, Michael Hirsch wrote:
> >> > I would download the 8.10 iso again but it's a moot point now...  I
> >> > won't be using Intrepid anyway, with or without KDE3.  I saw too many
> >> > other problems to make me want to use it.     Sad.
> >>
> >> I had some similar problems, but they were partly self inflicted.
> >> Somehow the keycodes have changed on my keyboard.  I use xmodmap to
> >> remap the windows keys to function keys and then bind the funtion keys
> >> to useful things like "maximize vertically".  The change in keycodes
> >> meant that I ended up mapping some of my arrow keys to these
> >> functions.  I used xev to see what was going on, then redid my
> >> .xmodmap file.
> >>
> >> If you haven't done any remapping, I wouldn't think this would affect
> >> you, but you can still use xev to see what's going on.  Run xev from a
> >> terminal window, click the resulting window with your mouse, then try
> >> hitting an arrow key.  See what X thinks is happening.
> >>
> >> It sounds to me like your keyboard isn't quite getting recognized
> >> properly.  You could  try another model of keyboard, too.
> >
> > I ran xev in 8.04 to see what comes across.  Everything seemed fine.
> >
> > When I ran it in 8.10, the up/down/right cursor buttons were the same but
> > when I do a left cursor, it appears that xev sees nothing.  Nothing
> > happens in the xev screen.
> >
> > However, something is happening because if I start xev, press right
> > cursor, and then ctl-c,  xev quits like it should.   But if I start xev
> > and press left cursor and then ctl-c, it takes three  ctl-c's to get it
> > to quit, and after the 2nd press, a small c with an accent ( č ) appears.
> >   So there are some characters being transferred but xev isn't telling.
> >
> > As I said before, the left cursor worked at the "test your keyboard"
> > point of the install....
> >
> > I just fired up the 8.10 live cd, and the left cursor works there too so
> > it is only the installed system that seems to have a problem.
> Getting an accented 'c' sure makes it sound like you've got some
> special keyboard or character handling going on.  I know almost
> nothing about that, but I'm sure someone here does.  You should double
> check your Keyboard settings and country/region settings.  I don't
> know about KDE 4 in Intrepid so I can't say exactly where, but in KDE
> 3.5 it's in the "Regional & Accessibility" menu in kcontrol.
> Michael

Go into system-settings --> regional & language -> keyboard layout.

Do you have "Enable keyboard layouts: selected? If so, which ones? If not, 
check in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and let us know what it thinks you have under

Section "InputDevice"


Glenn R Williams

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