By viewing my Disk&File Systems in Hardy, can anyone see why one HDD is partially crippled?

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Thu Nov 20 08:36:20 UTC 2008

Eberhard Roloff wrote:
> Steven Vollom wrote:
>> How do I run badblocks, explain like I know nothing at all, please.
>>> Then if the data on them isn't precious, I'd just use fdisk to repartition 
>>> them as you see fit.
>> It isn't precious, but I don't want to lose it if not necessary.  I am 
>> building a new computer.  Can I transfer the data to it, or will it 
>> corrupt a new HDD?
> Sure you can, as long as you do not alter the HDD configuration on your 
> old computer, and it will NOT corrupt a new HDD.
> There are a multitude of possibilities to accomplish that, either by 
> copy or as an image i.e. a sort of container where your old harddisk 
> contents resides, ready to be accessed from your new computer.
> In general my advice would be:
> 1. Get in contact with a computer literate friend (the emphasize is on 
> "computer literate", not on "friend", before fumbling with your disk 
> configuration and the data that's on your disk. This still applies, even 
> if it costs you money. Insist that a good backup will be made before 
> such work is even thought to be done.
You are right in the middle of why it is taking me so long to learn the 
OS.  I am 65, totally alone, only have expert help here, and I never was 
an intellectual.  If I didn't love this stuff so much, I would have quit 
years ago.  To show you where I am, yesterday was the first time I got 
in the help and manual section of the OS.  I have been fighting to stay 
afloat by experimenting with code placed in a posts for perhaps even 
different purposes than my need.  I have crashed my system to re-install 
so many times, you would think I be there by now.  But my human memory 
is quite defective, and I have to go through a successful process 
several times before it anchors on anything permanently, consequently it 
takes a long time for me to make little steps forward.  Nonetheless, 
with entry to the manuals I have a chance.  I am overwhelmed by the 
available help.  It is just a thrill.  I am so happy with the new access 
to information that I laugh with nothing funny happening.  Terminology 
is a little much for me sometimes, but a lot is starting to sink in.  If 
I had close contact with a specialist, I think I could speed things up.  
I just don't know.  My goal is to be able to adequately use the Shell, 
before I croak.  I literally love all you who are helping me.  You have 
no idea my gratitude.  I have struggled for months to learn simple 
solutions in the past.  That is how it is when you don't know where to 
start, don't know how to get there and don't have an educated friend to 
help you.  I read every post, every day; some is sinking in.
> 2. Whenever you want to illustrate things via a screenshot, it is a VERY 
> BAD, BAD, BAD idea to post it to the mailing list, since it floods 
> anyones mailbox, broadband and modem users alike.
As you can see, I did not post my screenshot.  But I did invite the 
possibility.  I am so grateful for the help, I don't want to anger 
anyone on the list by doing something inappropriate.  Shoot, I don't 
even know the right questions to ask most of the time.  And I am 
surprised when you can understand my ramblings, because I rarely 
understand your instructions.

How can I reveal my existing condition then, with my limited knowledge.  
I thought if you saw my Disk&FileSystems page you could see how I 
screwed up the process by experimenting and see how to make things work 
better.  Shoot, sometimes I format, just to get rid of the crud I have 
made and to start clean again.
> Instead get some space on the web.
Here is something I don't even understand.  What space and where, and if 
it costs very much, I am unable.  I am a retired fine-artist; I never 
have had any money.  Now I have to be and am retired on a retirement so 
low it doesn't come up to what some of you tip in a month.
> Then transfer your screen shot and any other potential attachments there 
> and, finally, just post the link in your mail.

If you will tell me how to do this or refer me to a place that will 
explain how, I will.  Shoot, I will stay up again tonight and have it 
available tomorrow.  This is exciting stuff, just to know an acceptable 
way to make my requests.  I don't want to do anything that degrades any 
of your work situation.  I cherish the help and will do what is 
necessary to be the least negative influence possible.  You have me 
laughing with joy just by telling me the last two answered comments.
>> Thanks for the help.
And again, thanks for the help, no comment required.
> Your wellcome
> Eberhard

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