Kmail configuration problem. ** Resolved ** Thanks again to all who helped. I am very grateful.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Thu Nov 20 00:07:15 UTC 2008

David Fletcher wrote:
> On Wednesday 19 Nov 2008, Steven Vollom wrote:
>> I can't find kwalletmanager either, but it shows as installed.
>> Steven
> From the KDE menu, select Run Command... and try putting in kwalletmanager. 
> That fires up a little wallet symbol down the bottom right, wherever it's 
> called, next to the clock display. Click it and you get the manager. Go File 
> New Wallet, give it the default name and a password, and you're done.
You are right, Dave and thanks.  I still don't have it as an item on 
Kmuen.  That would be nice, but not criticle. 
> Dave

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