Minor problems with Intrepid

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at gmx.de
Wed Nov 19 15:30:26 UTC 2008

Wulfy wrote:
>> Wulfy,
>> this is weird. My systems settings luckily do not freeze (as far as I 
>> can see). If you happen to have another Linux Computer, you could try 
>> from remote with ssh -X, also I do not know, whether this will work, if 
>> it crashes locally.
>> KDE4.2 will be what we always wanted from the beginning and hope never 
>> dies. ;-)
>> Kind regards
>> Eberhard
> Sadly, I only have one computer so ssh-ing in is not possible.  :@(

Well actually it is.

You could start a second X-session, maybe with icewm, openbox or 
xfce..., and then ssh -X to localhost.
I did this several times when I could not find an easy way to operate an 
X-application as root. Admittedly, on Ubuntu, I simply use "sudo 
synaptic", for example.

However, I cannot guarantee that it will help with your problem. ;-)
Kind regards

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