Minor problems with Intrepid

Wulfy wulfmann at tiscali.co.uk
Wed Nov 19 14:18:12 UTC 2008

Eberhard Roloff wrote:
> Wulfy wrote:
>> Yes, I can do that.  It's just that my fingers have learned <cvtrl><ta> 
>> and it's frustrating to find it doesn't work!  :@(
>> One more thing that's wrong...  when I run System Settings (ugh, I much 
>> prefered Kcontrol!) and click on Keyboard+Mouse, it freezes!  Which is 
>> why I couldn't find the d**n settings I needed!
>> <sigh> Hurry up KDE4.2!  :@)
> Wulfy,
> this is weird. My systems settings luckily do not freeze (as far as I 
> can see). If you happen to have another Linux Computer, you could try 
> from remote with ssh -X, also I do not know, whether this will work, if 
> it crashes locally.
> KDE4.2 will be what we always wanted from the beginning and hope never 
> dies. ;-)
> Kind regards
> Eberhard
Sadly, I only have one computer so ssh-ing in is not possible.  :@(



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