The fall of KDE?

Knapp magick.crow at
Wed Nov 19 13:41:29 UTC 2008

> So it was not KDE that forced Ubuntu to offer 8.10 with solely KDE 4.
> Who forced them?

I have no idea if it was force or just a simple desire of the Kubuntu
Devs to play with something new. Problem is that many need this to
work in a professional way. I would be happy to hear that you don't
need to change to 8.10 because 8.04 is long term support but in their
rush to KDE4 they even messed up the LTS of Kubuntu 8.04.

I know as a programmer that it is  alot of work to upgrade to a lib
that is still full of errors. You do something the way the manual says
to do it and it does not work, so then you are asking yourself how you
could have made a mistake and spend a lot of time to find out that you
did not, it is just a fault of the new lib that has not been fixed
yet. If they wait until it is very sold they would find it easier to
switch to KDE4. Naturally this is just theory.

Hope this makes sense, I am way sick today.

Douglas E Knapp

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