Minor problems with Intrepid

Jonas Norlander jonorland at gmail.com
Wed Nov 19 11:18:27 UTC 2008

2008/11/19 Wulfy <wulfmann at tiscali.co.uk>:
> Eberhard Roloff wrote:
>> I am switching desktops with ctrl+F(no. of Desktop).
>> This has been working for ages and it also works on KDE4. If you need to
>> change it to your likings, Systemsettings/Keyboard+Mouse (translated
>> from a german KDE4) should get you there.
>> Kind regards
>> Eberhard
> Thanks, Eberhard.
> Yes, I can do that.  It's just that my fingers have learned <cvtrl><ta>
> and it's frustrating to find it doesn't work!  :@(
> One more thing that's wrong...  when I run System Settings (ugh, I much
> prefered Kcontrol!) and click on Keyboard+Mouse, it freezes!  Which is
> why I couldn't find the d**n settings I needed!

When i klick the "keyboard shortcuts" in system settings it freezes
for about 15 sec and i have a fast computer. On a slower i guess it
could take up to a minute to load the damn settings. I don't know why,
it must be a bug.

/ Jonas

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