Minor problems with Intrepid

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at gmx.de
Wed Nov 19 08:37:10 UTC 2008

Wulfy wrote:
> I recently installed Intrepid and am generally liking it.  There are 
> things missing and things that work differently but I'm learning!  :@)
> Two irritating problems:
> 1) I can't switch desktops with <ctrl><tab> and can't find the settings 
> page to check that it's set up right.
I am switching desktops with ctrl+F(no. of Desktop).

This has been working for ages and it also works on KDE4. If you need to
change it to your likings, Systemsettings/Keyboard+Mouse (translated 
from a german KDE4) should get you there.

Kind regards

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