Can't find Compiz?

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Tue Nov 18 17:37:54 UTC 2008

Paul Rumelhart wrote:
> Steven Vollom wrote:
>> Several months ago, when I upgraded to Hardy, I tried Compiz Fusion.  I 
>> was not very successful with it, so I removed it.  I wanted to try it 
>> again, because I am building a new computer with lots of memory and 
>> thought it could handle it better.  Nonetheless, when I installed Compiz 
>> again, and I am pretty sure it installed about a dozen packages, the 
>> only evidence I can find of it is a thing called Desktop Effects in the 
>> System choice of the Kmenu.  I clicked on the button that seemed most 
>> intensive, but I can't find anything, like configuration options or 
>> features or anything at all.  I notice that when I open or close a file, 
>> it kind of zooms in or out, but that cannot be all there is to Compiz.
>> What do I do to access those features?  TIA.
>> Steven
> I installed a few other packages, like compizconfig-settings-manager and 
> compiz-fusion-plugins-extra.  I also installed fusion-icon so I could 
> get to some settings from the task bar.  I also have a few others 
> installed.  I don't remember what was installed initially, except that 
> the settings had to be installed to get most of the fun effects.
> If you don't have an item called "Advanced Desktop Effects Settings" 
> under the Settings menu off of the K-menu, then the above settings 
> manager should probably be installed.  I'd recommend turning on the 
> desktop cube and rotate cube under Desktop, and enabling the animations 
> under Effects.  Play with some of the different minimizing, maximizing, 
> and closing animations.  You might also find the wobbly windows fun.  
> There are lots of effects to try.
> Make sure you have emerald installed, and choose it as your window 
> decorator using the fusion icon.   You can find lots of emerald themes 
> on the net that you can import using the emerald theme manager 
> accessible using the fusion icon.
> Paul
Dear Paul,
I must have more than 20 packages installed that relate to Compiz.  On 
Kmenu - System, Compiz Fusion Icon & Desktop Effects are the only 
shown.  I checked the other items on Kmenu; they don't show anywhere.  
When I installed Compiz, perhaps a dozen packages were included.  After 
responding to your email, and additional 8 were installed.  I can only 
find two, and when I click on the Compiz Fusion Icon, nothing loads.

Emerald is installed and libemeraldengine0 is installed.  They don't 
show up on the menu either.  Any Ideas?

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