The fall of KDE?

Derek Broughton news at
Tue Nov 18 17:18:36 UTC 2008

alan c wrote:

> Derek Broughton wrote:
>> On the whole, I like KDE 4, but I can well understand every time
>> somebody complains about the things that are missing.  A LOT of what
>> we used to have is missing.
>> otoh, tabs in Dolphin is a silly complaint, as he can still use
>> Konqueror for file browsing.
> I do not disagree with your points.
> However in a 'marketing' sense, is it the customer who is wrong in
> something, or is it something to do with the product not being what
> they wanted or expected or not what was sold to them, or - well, what
> was sold to them?

I assume that comment is directed specifically about my last point - so 
in this case (and _only_ this case), I have to blame the customer.  He 
was complaining that Dolphin wasn't as good as Konqueror - well I still 
never use Dolphin directly.  I _use_ konqueror, and get all the 
functionality of Dolphin thrown in in the dolphin part, so it appears 
that at least in part he's throwing up a red herring.  

I do agree that in the main, Kubuntu 8.10 is a vast failure of 

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