No longer in the market for a new MP3 player

Richard S. Crawford rscrawford at
Tue Nov 18 15:55:55 UTC 2008

Last night I went to Fry's and purchased a Creative Zen X-Fi player, mostly 
because the notion of having my MP3 player capable of hooking up to my wi-fi 
network amused me. It took me about an hour of hacking and Googling until my 
fingers bled but I got it working just fine and talking to Amarok without a 
hitch (I've also since learned how to sync playlists between Amarok and my 
MP3 player, which is a bonus). I'm having trouble transferring videos to the 
device, but that will come with time. It also theoretically comes with 
MicroSD support but I haven't tried that yet.

It's amazing to me that this thing is maybe 1/4 the size of my old one yet has 
more capacity and more features and cost less to boot.

Next step is to turn my old computer into a media server so that this MP3 
player has something to talk to via the WiFi network.

Richard S. Crawford
Editor-in-chief, Daikaijuzine (
Personal website:

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