In the market for a new MP3 player

jackie wallen jlwallen at
Mon Nov 17 18:41:37 UTC 2008

Richard S. Crawford wrote:
> My old Creative Nomad Zen Xtra has been a good workhorse for about six
> years now, but recently it's started to show its age; it reboots
> randomly and the KZenExplorer software no longer talks to it (although
> Amarok does, which is peculiar). So I'm in the market for a new
> MP3/media player. My ideal player would play videos as well as MP3's
> and ogg files. Ideally there would be some desktop software which
> could manage the files on the thing, including playlists (Amarok, for
> all its coolness, fails miserably in this regard). I'm open to getting
> an iPod but I'm told the latest ones do not play well with Linux.
> I'm open to all suggestions. Thanks!
I have a Sandisk Fuze. it works great with Ubuntu. the sound is amazing 
and it has an external microSD slot for expansion.

i need to check to see if they've released a new firmware because the 
current doesn't support ogg. Sandisk has said they intend on adding ogg 
support soon.

Jack Wallen, Jr

"Idealists...foolish enough to throw caution to the winds...have 
advanced mankind and have enriched the world." Emma Goldman

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