The fall of KDE?
Girard Henri
girardhenri at
Tue Nov 18 10:59:52 UTC 2008
you are wrong : i just compiled kde4.2 and i can tell you it's really a
good stuff even still in alpha
i upgraded this morning alpha 9.0.4 no on itch !
don't be so "morose"
Le mardi 18 novembre 2008 à 10:39 +0000, alan c a écrit :
> Knapp wrote:
> > It was easy to see coming. This is from a link on Google, meaning it
> > is getting a lot of reading. How can this be good for Kubuntu? I sure
> > hope the devs see stuff like this and learn. I find it very
> > distasteful to watch my favorite desktop crash and burn due to bad
> > planning and poor thinking.
> >
> I am not in the least surprised.
> I have stopped regarding myself as a committed kubuntu user and am
> deliberately using gnome more and more after seeing what kubuntu 8.10
> has become. I will certainly stay with 8.04 lts for as long as
> possible - mostly using kubuntu which I have preferred.
> I distribute a lot of live CDs and have also now stopped handing out
> kubntu to newcomers, they will only get indigestion if they upgrade to
> 8.10 when unprepared. It has been too easy to do a version upgrade
> unwittingly, before 8.04, but that is not just a kubuntu thing.
> I help an elderly friend with computers - they have a dual boot laptop
> and a dual boot desktop. They have innocently done a version upgrade
> to 8.10 and did not like it to such an extent that they stopped using it.
> I took them to gnome which is ok, it is nice and simple, (although
> they liked kubuntu pre 8.10). This has verified my fears that the
> increasing popularity of ubuntu will find the existing kubuntu
> offering to be an adverse factor, most particularly for beginners.
> This is a reversal of what used to happen, kubuntu (pre 8.10) was a
> good competition for windows.
> I do hope I am wrong.
> --
> alan cocks
> now a Ubuntu user #10391
> Linux user #360648
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