The fall of KDE?

alan c aeclist at
Tue Nov 18 10:39:17 UTC 2008

Knapp wrote:
> It was easy to see coming. This is from a link on Google, meaning it
> is getting a lot of reading. How can this be good for Kubuntu? I sure
> hope the devs see stuff like this and learn. I find it very
> distasteful to watch my favorite desktop crash and burn due to bad
> planning and poor thinking.

I am not in the least surprised.
I have stopped regarding myself as a committed kubuntu user and am 
deliberately using gnome more and more after seeing what kubuntu 8.10 
has become. I will certainly stay with 8.04 lts for as long as 
possible - mostly using kubuntu which I have preferred.

I distribute a lot of live CDs and have also now stopped handing out 
kubntu to newcomers, they will only get indigestion if they upgrade to 
8.10 when unprepared. It has been too easy to do a version upgrade 
unwittingly, before 8.04, but that is not just a kubuntu thing.

I help an elderly friend with computers - they have a dual boot laptop 
and a dual boot desktop. They have innocently done a version upgrade 
to 8.10 and did not like it to such an extent that they stopped using it.

I took them to gnome which is ok, it is nice and simple, (although 
they liked kubuntu pre 8.10). This has verified my fears that the 
increasing popularity of ubuntu will find the existing kubuntu 
offering  to be an adverse factor, most particularly for beginners. 
This is a reversal of what used to happen,  kubuntu (pre 8.10) was a 
good competition for windows.

I do hope I am wrong.
alan cocks
now a Ubuntu user #10391
Linux user #360648

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